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Vene D' Aqua

To connect the el Born neighborhood to Ciutadella Park I redifined what it means to create a space. Water became the main focus conceptually, and transformed into a deep study of Leonardo Da Vinci and his work in fluidity. Water can be manipulated to inhabit any atmosphere or surface, a concept Leonardo da Vinci became the master of when studying water manipulation in the form of fluidity. My proposal tackles the forms of fluidity, while creating a living, cleansing space for the pulbic to enjoy.

The natural feel to each pond is inspired by Junya Ishigami’s water garden drawings. His beliefs that a design should start with the pedals and the leaves before the building allowed for the concept of fluidity to shine in both the landscape and the structure. Vene d’Aqua is capable of cooling down the hostest day of summer, while hosting hundreds of visitors all at once. The sustainable principles on the site include; limestone and Bald Cypress trees placed in ponds as water filters, recycling of water, time-controlled mist at low pressure, a combination of vegetation and flowing water contributes to an increase in animal and plant life, and lastly a porous material that allows for drainage of storm runoff.


Ciutadella Park




Spring 2020

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